
无论你是小说家还是诗人, 语法迷, or just someone who recognizes the importance of the written word, UNE’s 写作 minor may be the perfect program for you. 一个灵活的跨学科项目, the 写作 minor is designed to enhance the career readiness of students majoring in everything from the humanities, 艺术, 从社会科学到自然科学, 业务, 健康行业. 通过我们亲力亲为和合作的方式, you’ll learn the fundamentals — with the opportunity to study both creative and 专业 writing — as well as how to write for your specific discipline. With three out of four employers desiring job candidates with strong written communication skills, having the 写作 minor on your transcript will be sure to give you a leg up in whatever profession you choose.



We understand that most writing on the 专业 level is composed within the context of some other field. 因此, we designed this minor as an interdisciplinary one that can improve your work within your chosen major and can launch you to greater heights no matter what your profession after graduation. We even consider existing courses in a range of other UNE programs for inclusion in the 写作 minor, 让你实现不仅仅是核心,而是, 在某些情况下, 主修要求-当你完成辅修课程时.

The 写作 minor has been one of my favorite p艺术 of UNE because it allows me to expand on my creativity in a 专业 format. 我每上一节课, 我不只是在写故事或诗歌, I’m also learning how to apply the skills I’ve learned to my current education and my future career opportunities.” — Jordyn Ransom ’23 Elementary/Middle Education major/写作 minor



If you think of writing as a solitary endeavor, think again. 正规澳门赌场网络强调实践学习, our 写作 minor relies on cooperative and engaging activities, from in-class poetry and fiction workshops to collaborative resume and cover letter preparation sessions. You may even become a 写作 Fellow and gain 专业 experience in supporting student writing across a variety of academic disciplines. 

We also encourage you to expand your real-world experiences by seeking internship opportunities. 我们的写作辅修曾实习过: 

  • 波特兰先驱报(新闻实习生) 
  • 许愿基金会(基金撰写实习生) 
  • Parkhurst餐饮(社交媒体实习生) 
  • Maine Women Writers Collection (archives and exhibits intern) 
Four U N E students sit studying around a table in the Ripich Commons


  • 新闻 
  • 专业技术写作 
  • 小说写作工作坊 
  • 为银幕写作 


The interdisciplinary minor in writing has a developmental writing sequence that remains flexible to maximize the options for students. The eighteen (18)-credit minor requires at least one course each in creative writing and 专业 writing. 在那之后, students customize by completing at least six (6) credits in either the Creative 写作 or Professional 写作 track, 然后写他们选择的选修课.

创意写作选修课的六(6)学分 or Six (6) credits from Professional 写作 选修课 (see below)6–7
Six (6) 学分 of Program Specific 选修课 (see below)6–8
Select one (1) of the following Creative 写作 courses学分
WRT 111 -创意写作主题3
WRT 312 -小说写作工作坊3
Select one (1) of the following Professional 写作 courses学分
cmm110 -通信入门3
cmm122 -口头交流3
CMM 211 -新闻学导论3
SPC 100 -有效的公共演讲3
WRT 233 -专业 & 技术写作3



艺术124 -彩绘书3
cmm225 -数字故事的主题3
cmm410 -为屏幕写作3
ENG 208 -叙事医学 & 写作3
ENV 333/333L -自然作家带野外实验室4
WRT 111 -创意写作主题3
WRT 312 -小说写作工作坊3
CMM 211 -新闻学导论3
社会化媒体:理论 & 实践3
ENV 316/316L -土地保育实务(含野外实验室4
ENV 321 -环境通信:专家Prac生态3
NSG 445 -领导力2
WRT 233 -专业技术交流3
WRT 304 -数字环境中的读写3
WRT 317 -提案和拨款写作 or PUB 400 - PH规划 & 评价3
艺术124 -彩绘书3
ART 395 -工作室集中研讨会3
BUMK 310 -广告3
cmm122 -口头交流 or SPC 100 -有效的公共演讲3
CMM 211 -新闻学导论3
cmm225 -数字故事的主题3
社会化媒体:理论 & 实践的3
cmm410 -为屏幕写作3
eng110 -英语写作4
ENG 208 -叙事医学 & 写作3
ENG 209 -语言学导论3
ENG 220 -英语语言的历史3
英语334 -识字和文化批评方法3
ENV 316/316L -土地保育实务(含野外实验室4
ENV 321 -环境通信:专家Prac生态3
ENV 333/333L -自然作家带野外实验室4
ENV 334 -当代自然作家3
HIST 150 -讲述过去的故事3
LIL 420 -艺术 & 人文学科的顶点3
MAF 400 -海洋事务顶点3
NSG 332 -循证实践(EBP2
NSG 432 -循证实践(EBP) II2
NSG 445 -领导力2
鸟叔405 -专题研讨会3
PUB 310 -社会,行为 & 环境3
WRT 111 -创意写作主题3
WRT 233 -专业技术交流3
WRT 304 -读取 & 在数字环境中写作.3
WRT 312 -小说写作工作坊3
WRT 317 -提案和拨款写作 or PUB 400 - PH规划 & 评价3

*Some courses have prerequisites that may prevent registration.

有关更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.


书面沟通能力, 还有团队合作, consistently rank among the top five skills employers seek from college graduates across all fields of employment. 正规澳门赌场网络写作辅修, 以其混合基础, 专业, and discipline-specific writing components and its emphasis on collaborative work, sets you up for success — no matter what your major field of study and no matter which profession you ultimately choose.

Whether your future career requires you to write emails, 作者报告, 撰写建议, 或者创建演示文稿, 很有可能写作, 以某种方式, 一定是你的日常任务之一吗. 扎实的写作技巧是必要的, 事实上, will enhance your 专业 standing in a number of ways:

  • Getting Hired: Make your cover letter stand out in the application pool
  • Earning and Maintaining Respect: Demonstrate to your coworkers a high level of 专业ism by avoiding grammatical errors and poorly worded sentences
  • Making New Discoveries: Impress others with creative and original thoughts born out of the writing process
  • Communicating Clearly: Enhance team productivity by preventing confusion and the need for repeated clarification
  • Being Persuasive: Exhibit leadership through well-articulated arguments
  • Enhancing the Reputation of Your Employer: Represent your 业务 or organization to the outside world in the best light possible



of employers want a candidate with strong written communication skills

National Association of 大学 and Employers, Job Outlook, 2022

rank of written communication skills among the most desired qualities in job candidates

National Association of 大学 and Employers, Job Outlook, 2022



联系本科招生处,电话:(800)477-4863或 电子邮件admissions@secretsilm.com. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.